Cornell FSAD1450 (TA Work) - Sewing Instructions
StitchFix Women's Blouse Collection
Papermoon SS 2021
Dancewear / EDC 2018

What’s your go-to sewing or design tool?

drum roll... my trusty seam ripper! Every designer’s best friend (and sometimes worst enemy)!

What’s your all-time favorite dessert?

Panna Cotta 🍮

What’s your favorite TV show?

Friends, Gilmore Girls, How I Met Your Mother 😉

What’s your favorite book?

Oh boy, this one's HARD. I think for now, it’s The Picture of Dorian Gray!

What’s a random fun fact about you?

I used to raise a pet iguana! (for about a decade) 🦎 It was quite the adventure.

Random fun fact encore?

I was born in Karlsruhe, Germany! "Ich spreche kein Deutsch." 💀